To lose weight at home dreams almost every second person, but how to start to lose weight, knows not everyone.
Because of this, the process of losing weight systematically postponed for "tomorrow" and kilograms, meanwhile, just added. A visual guide to action is just what we need.

If there is a clear plan that defines the sequence of process, it is easier to start losing weight. Compile a step by step guide, and call it "how to start losing weight."
Step # 1. Analysis and diagnostics
To determine the purpose, it is necessary to conduct a self-test. This is an important step in the beginning of weight loss, because the result becomes the only guideline to keep in mind throughout the program.
- Make calculations ideal weight for yourself. You can use the calculator calculate the ideal weight or to base the weight that you ever felt comfortable and good. Remember that the ultimate goal must be real, so do not overestimate your strength and capabilities.
- Make basic measurements of volume of the body (chest, abdomen, thighs). In the process of losing weight there are moments when the weight of "should" in place, and the volumes continue to decrease.
- Record your initial measurements in a notebook.
- To make it easier to keep track of your results, download a sign in which you can mark your measurements and date of measurement. (the link leads to Yandex disk, is absolutely safe and free)
Psychological aspect. Many people are openly asking themselves: "Why can't I stop eating?". Sometimes there is stress, depression, chronic sleep deprivation and fatigue – these moments are worth fighting for. For better motivation, think of a stimulus.
Say NO to junk food
Step # 2. Aim and timing
You did the calculations and got some results – they become the main goal that you can visualize, not to be broken. Make a colorful poster, post in a conspicuous place your photos where you like, etc.
Install real-time. Do not rush things, rapid weight loss leads to the same rapid return of the weight or breakdowns. Optimal weight loss is 3-4 kg per month. Weigh 1 time a week, and record the results in your journal.
Step # 3. Counting caloric intake
How to lose weight at home: step by step instructions
Many people are overweight and do not want or are unable to visit the gym. They sit at home and want to lose weight. Yes, you can do at home to lose weight, but to train while still have. But, everything in order.
In General, losing weight at home is no different from weight loss in the hall (because the body is the same) and consists of four components:
- Diet (40% success)
- Cardio-load (30% success)
- A set of exercises (20% success)
- Sports nutrition (10% success)
Moreover, these components are arranged in descending order of their importance. If sports nutrition can be neglected, and it is not necessary, but diet is the Foundation. We'll start with.
By the way, I forgot to warn you, the topic of weight loss at home – is too vast to fit it in one article. Therefore, this article will consist of links to other articles.
On our website there is a prepared menu for weight loss. No need to invent anything. You just need to follow this menu. Here they are:
- Women menu for weight loss
- Men's menu for weight loss

Those who do not want anything to be considered, it is possible to go the other way – to create a menu. But you need to know the basic principles of nutrition for weight loss: 5 principles of nutrition for weight loss. As well as know how much you need to eat calories per day: How many calories you need to consume per day to lose weight
Cardio load
It is designed to accelerate your metabolism and force your body to spend more energy. For example, a girl weighing 60 kg for 30 minutes of slow Jogging will expend about 350 calories. And this is about 20% of its daily cost.
As cardio fit any physical activity during which your average heart rate is approximately 130 beats per minute, or higher. It could be running, cardio, swimming, Biking, playing soccer, sex. Whatever.
A very important parameter – the frequency of cardio training. It is better to work out 3 days in a row for 30 minutes, than one day, 1.30. Ideally you should have 4 – 5 cardio per week for at least 40 minutes. From 40 minutes to 60. But in this case, if you are not using a third component.
A set of exercises
This refers to training with dumbbells, barbells and other weights. Many will ask: why are they needed if the goal is to lose weight. The answer is simple. These workouts only need to preserve your muscle from breaking down.
Agree that a beautiful figure is based not only due to the lack of fat, but if there are sufficient muscles. If you begin to lose weight – the body burns indiscriminately and fat, and muscle.
And weight training to force your body to retain muscle. They would say to him: "Dude, you see that the external environment makes you work your muscles.
Save it! In such conditions they are more useful to you".
Exercises at home for weight loss for women:
And for men:
4. Sports nutrition
This item is optional for weight loss. But sports nutrition can ease and little to speed up the process. These include a comprehensive fat burners, L-carnitine, protein and amino acids. At today's prices on sports nutrition you have per month to spend about 3000 – 6000 rubles. For more details here What kind of sports nutrition is ideal for weight loss.
Once again, this component of weight loss is optional. But, when used correctly, it can help those who are losing weight very difficult.
1. As you can see, the process of losing weight is based not only on the same diet. More precisely, it can only be built on a diet. And you'll actually lose weight, though not as effectively. But, first, in such cases the diet should be more rigid. And it is unlikely you will be able to stick to this diet all my life. And secondly, together with the fat will go away and your muscles. Muscles even leave early.
2. Personally, I suggest all 4 components to be implemented simultaneously. However, if you have a very weak physical training, the first month can be limited to some set of exercises without the cardio.
3. The optimal rate of weight loss of 4-5 kg in a month. If you are going to lose weight faster, it means that you lose along with fat and muscle too.
4. If you use both the cardio and exercises, ideally, should be about 5 workouts a week. 2 – 3 cardio and 2 – 3 workouts with barbells and dumbbells.
How to eat to lose weight

Not only in our country but around the world a large number of people suffering from obesity. Even if the weight crosses over a hundredweight, many rounded belly and a desire to get rid of it. But not so simple.
Excess weight accumulates for many reasons: a variety of hereditary diseases, diet, lifestyle, characteristics and preferences in the diet, the amount of food absorbed, the multiplicity of reception and more. Agree, if you were traveling and day after day passed tens of kilometers, hardly appeared roundness in the belly area.
If the reason is illness, then not do without the advice of a doctor. Without professional help there is little you can do. But if the extra weight came from sedentary work, and love to lie on the sofa, from the daily consumption of burgers and products from the BP, only you can decide to lose weight or continue to gain weight.
Being overweight is a serious problem, a few extra pounds affects health and performance. Therefore run not worth it. At least occasionally load yourself physically: exercise in the morning, run a couple times a week, use the stairs instead of the Elevator. All these actions are simple, and not require a huge effort, and the result may surprise.
If you have decided to lose weight, then read the information. Do not immediately rush to the first available diet or to follow the recommendations of a friend there once a day and drink a tablespoon of water. Do not go to extremes, have pity on yourself.
It is necessary to consult a nutritionist or endocrinologist, who will assess the condition, determine the ratio of excess weight, give advice on a balanced diet and how to improve the mode of work and rest, advise the right diet. Drastic changes in lifestyle should not do not to undermine health. The body, on the contrary, will accumulate even more fat and you'll seize in a bad mood.
The decision to bring into your life a little sport is to be welcomed. But do not abuse it. There is no need every day to run around the house for an hour. First, the body is not ready for such sudden exertion. Secondly, you are already a couple of days to give up the idea to lose weight and get back to cake and cake.
Most importantly, gradually change your mode. Discard the fat food and do a little walk in the morning will complicate your mode and begin to run, turning on an appropriate diet.
The most important thing during weight loss is not only to form the correct mode of the day, but to eat right. From what energies and in what quantities is to the body, depends the success of further programs to get rid of excess pounds.
It is important to solve two problems:
- To determine how many pounds you plan to lose, after passing the obstacle in the form of a special diet.
- Learn how to plan a set of products and their number, spending calories.
Get a diary, write down all your snacks and full Lunches, breakfasts and dinners. This will allow you to calculate the number of calories that you have consumed in the past day.
The next step – eliminate from your diet foods that hinder to achieve this goal:
- The pies and pastries.
- Smoked foods.
- Fatty meats and fish, pickles.
- Potatoes.
- Cookies, cakes and the like.
- Candies and sweets, cakes and pastries (well, at least at the time).
The list is quite long, but these basic products. What you need to eat to not only not to die of hunger, but also to stock up on energy for the whole day?
- Various soups — they are healthy and nutritious.
- Meat — lean (veal, beef, poultry) and fish (cod, perch, pike, Pollock) are not prohibited. Their number should be limited. And do not use roasted.
- Eggs.
- The vegetables and fruits. They have a lot of vitamins.
- Tea, coffee.
- Dairy products.
- Pasta and cereals.
- Bread with bran from the flour.
- Vegetable oil.
But this does not mean that such foods may be eaten in any quantity, eating throughout the day. The meaning of the diet is to eat as much food as is necessary for life.
Detailed menu for a week

On the day you need approximately 2500 calories. With the three meals, distribute them as follows:
- Breakfast – 35%
- Lunch – 40%
- Dinner – 25%
Create a menu for the week. Get creative, diversify the diet, so it was full. We present various options of eating, and you will find a suitable for yourself.
- Oatmeal on the water (you can add nuts and raisins), glass of milk, two eggs.
- Mashed potatoes, boiled fish, a glass of milk.
- Muesli with milk (or cereal), one egg, juice.
Second Breakfast
- Banana, orange and yogurt.
- Low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream, Apple.
- A glass of milk and pancakes with cottage cheese.
- Soup, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, pumpkin salad with tomatoes and juice.
- Ear, slicing of meat, vegetables, a glass of juice.
- Borsch, buckwheat porridge, noodles, cocoa.
Afternoon tea
- Fruity yogurt.
- Vegetable salad with sour cream and juice.
- Cheese sandwich, a glass of milk.
- Salad, boiled chicken, green tea.
- Fish cutlet, Greek salad, glass of milk.
- Chicken, vegetable salad, tea.
This is only a sample menu, number of meals and a set of products. Try to avoid monotony. You need to enjoy a meal and a full range of nutrients.